08 March 2009


I'm actually following through on things I say I'm going to do artwork-wise...it's amazing. I said I was going to make new pieces to compliment my other new artwork and here they are!!

What about my location collages? Well, funds are tight right now so I'm not sure if a trip to Chicago is in the works, as much as I'd like it to be. I might work on some new Minnesota pieces soon. I've been wanting to do another Minneapolis nightlife collage, but there's only one problem. Bunkers hasn't had their neon working for MONTHS! And that's a pretty essential part of my collage since it's a pretty well known bar. I'm guessing fixing neon is expensive since it's been out since around October. Also wanted to do a GLBT bar collage, and a West 7th Street collage. Just need to find the time to go out and take photos. And warmer weather helps, too. 

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