13 February 2009

A creative day?

This morning I feel like making stuff! Now here comes the tough part....I have work to do. The work should come first, most definitely, but it's hard to focus on things you should do when there are things you want to do! And I have been feeling so uninspired lately that I really want to act on every creative urge.

The creative urge is to make more simple collages. I've been hoarding vintage papers, labels, photoshop brushes, tons of things in the hopes that I would sit down and make a lot of simple collages. Something that would work for the collage of the day idea. Not something that takes weeks to create, something that takes hours. My problem is this:

That stuff doesn't sell for me.

I feel guilty wanting to spend time making art that is beautiful and special to me when I need to focus on making a living at doing this first. And right now, the location collages are what sell. So while I really want to get my hands dirty in paint and wax and buy every vintage paper I see, for now it all just sits in a drawer waiting.

On the flip side to that, I want to buy a new camera. I need to rediscover the passion of taking photos and my camera has become limiting. It's about 6 years old and as technology has a way of doing, it's becoming obsolete. I still love my camera, but as my friends are buying new cameras and new lenses and have more options available to them for accessories, I feel myself being left behind.

Ok, I'd really like to write more, but it's very difficult typing with a puppy 3 inches from your face hovering over your laptop. :)

Follow up on Monday!

1 comment:

Heather Wambach said...

Sometimes, when I have a bunch of sensical, boring things that I have to do (laundry, cleaning, taxes, filing shit) and a bunch of inspiring, creative stuff to do (quilting, scrapbooking, knitting and watching TV shows on DVD) I'll do the fun stuff for a little while (an hour or so) so I don't go crazy and burn down my house instead of clean it. Some days it's the only way to go. And painting sounds like fun. :)