21 May 2009

"Room to Breathe"

 A little break from the custom collage blog (more tomorrow on that) to announce a new piece. I titled this one "Room to Breathe". I had this idea pop in my mind of doing a collage that was almost entirely white with just pieces of images popping through, so you would really have to look closely at the image. So many of my collages are very dark intense colors, so I like that this is a departure from that.

I got the idea while I was driving down a hill and it was a beautiful day and there were trees arching over the street. I looked up through the windshield and saw the sky overhead and because the hill was somewhat steep, it kind of felt like I was falling. The idea of the all white collage just popped into my head. I wrote it down and tucked it away until I finally got a chance to sit down and hash it out. Like all of my collages, it started with a vague idea and I just kept adding to it until it seemed complete. I'm undecided if I will add more to it with ink stencils or if I will leave it as it is once it's printed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love white - it gives a nice airy feeling to this piece. Nice!