18 May 2009

Just what I was afraid of

I came back from the Estes Park workshop excited, revitalized, ready to take on the internet world and become the master of my blog, website, and social media sites.


I made some updates to my website. I'm excited about those changes and proud of the work that I did. It still needs work, but it's getting there.

My social media I've been keeping up on fairly well. I re-did my Facebook profile and am constantly keeping up with Twitter. Not a lot of problems there.

My blog....


Last post: May 8th. Today's date: May 18th. I promised myself I would write 3 times a week. That has not happened. I've been busy preparing for art fairs and doing custom work and the blog has fallen by the side. Not to say I haven't been preparing to write my blog. Oh no. I've been keeping track of the steps I've been going through completing this custom collage. I will be finishing that blog series. And I should've been posting it and writing it as I go instead of "preparing" to write it. What am I preparing for? Just write it!

So I have some work to do. The blog is just not happenin' for me and I need to figure out what I need to do to make it less of a chore in my mind and more of something fun that I enjoy. When I actually do it, it's not as bad as it is in my head, but for some reason when that iCal alarm rings reminding me I need to do it, something in my brain is like "NO!!!" like a dentist's appointment or something. It's NOT that bad.

So Wednesday is my next blogging day. I will be continuing on with my custom collage series. And I'm going to tell my brain to shut up.

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