01 May 2009

I have not forgotten, I'm biding my time

I'm VERY excited for the artist's workshop on building a better web presence! I have not forgotten to blog, I've just been pretty busy preparing to go to CO (where I am now) and didn't want to write a blog about nothing in particular. I'm saving today's blog (yes I know I'm blogging today but it's not anything huge...) for tomorrow when I know I'll have something informative to say.

Here's a little something that I noted on my Twitter that popped in my head while I was watching the wing move (I luckily got a window seat!) when we were preparing to land. The mechanics don't move the wing THAT much, but it makes such a huge difference in how the plane flies and how the wind reacts to the wing. I thought about how our lives are like that. Sometimes just the smallest changes can really make a difference in how we fly, or as someone pointed out on Twitter, how we crash! Little things really can make big differences.

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