07 September 2009

It's getting close....

Pretty soon we will be officially in holiday season. It usually starts sometime in October and runs, of course, all the way through January. My focus turns from art fair prep to retail prep and I feel like a full-time chicken without a head. It's okay, though, I get my head back after New Year's. :)

I think it might already be time for starting to think of New Year's resolutions. Last year, my resolution was to start becoming more focused on organizing my finances. I've done a pretty good job so far, but it's gotten a little lax. I need to start knuckling down and getting all those receipts and paid invoices entered. Regardless, because I've taken the time here and there to enter things in, it won't be that same nearly month long process of entering in everything into a spreadsheet. This year will be much more streamlined. I'm thankful that at the end of the year I will have a lot less work to get my taxes done (and especially thankful for the assistance of my accountant friend!!).

My other resolution this year was to get out of my comfort zone and do an out of state art fair. Luckily I was accepted into one and I was able to produce enough work that was outside of my normal body of work (the location collages) to fill an entire booth. I put the time and effort into doing something that I've never done before. It was scary, exciting and in the end, disappointing. However it was an experience that helped me realize what my real goals are and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

This next year, as I tend to say every year, will be the year that I finally start really working hard and trying to separate myself from the reliability of the part-time job. I know that I don't work as hard as I could because in the end I have that regular paycheck that will be coming. While it's nice, it also takes away from the work that I really love doing and it makes me a cranky artist. And just ask my friends and family...nobody likes a cranky artist. :)

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