01 March 2008

my journey

I can't believe I haven't written about this yet!! I'm very excited to be taking on something so huge, but my mind must've been elsewhere until now.

In September, I'll be doing the Breast Cancer 3 Day. I'll be walking 60 miles and raising $2200 for breast cancer research. I've had some family members and friends fight the breast cancer battle and luckily they're still here to fight another day. The money doesn't raise itself though, so I need YOUR help!!

Very soon I will be completing a limited edition collage in honor of the strength of women and will be donating 5% of each sale to my walk. I will also be donating 5% of the total sales from each art fair from now until September.

So, a purchase from you is a donation towards ending breast cancer. If you'd like to make a donation directly to the walk, you can do so by visiting my walk page.

Thank you in advance!!!

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