23 January 2008

on the horizon

I'm not very good at coming up with titles for these things....you'd think something creative would just pop in, but as the day goes by, I'd rather take a nap than be creative!

So what this title refers to is all the new things that have either already happened or are in the works!

I just got my copy of the latest issue of  The Knot Minnesota, a local bridal magazine, that I have an advertisement for my custom work in. After all this time not doing much graphic design, I'm very proud of how professional it looks! Thanks a ton to Judy Bialka for allowing me to use the collage I did for her to give to Dwayne and Joyce Archuleta as a wedding gift in the ad. It's truly one of the best examples of what a wedding collage can be and I hope it brings me more custom business! I truly love doing the custom work, each piece is so different and a complete surprise when it's done!

I'm currently working on completing an order of collage cards for Prairie Stone Pharmacy, a part of Lunds in Northeast in Minneapolis. They are interested in possibly carrying a riverfront collage should I ever do one. I have had several requests over the past couple of years, so I think it's time to do it. Of course -4 degrees is no temperature to go out to take pictures, so it might be a couple of months before it gets done, but it gives me time to gather together a list of what I want to photograph.

I also have plans to start work on my second night Minneapolis collage soon as well. I already have several pictures taken, but the neon on Bunkers was out last time it was decent weather before Christmas (40 degrees!!) and so I'm waiting for that to get fixed!

Last but not least, I'm considering applying for Art in the Market, an art fair that is happening every 2nd Saturday at the Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis. I'm not 100% sure just yet, but I will make my decision soon! Check out my schedule page on my website to find out if I get juried in.

12 January 2008


FINALLY! the website is finished. 11 days after my goal. I guess it could have been worse. When you go to it you can see it's dramatically differently and finally easy for me to update. No more waiting weeks for me to update the site with new pieces! When it's done, it goes up on the site. Very exciting. And I FINALLY (lots of finallys....finallies? here) added my freelance graphic design work and my photography. After a year of a half finished website, I now have something that works great!

Now to tackle the rest of my list....