31 December 2007

the hardest thing

Making a website is probably one of the hardest things about having a business. And I'm too much of a control freak to let someone else do it for me. So I struggle with the coding because I'm also too much of a designer to want something easy to create. Sigh.....

I made a self-imposed deadline of January 1st to finish my website. That is pretty much not going to happen with me working both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. (and Wednesday and Thursday of that week as well....double sigh....)

Just know that the site should be pretty good when it's done!

25 December 2007

the downward slide

Almost the end of the holidays. Now comes the time where every little penny gets shoved away in the hopes of continuing to make ends meet while sales slow to almost a complete halt.

Now also comes the time where ideas become bigger than life. The wonder of a fresh new year, to start with a (almost) clean slate. This year I will become more organized. This year I will spend more time on my art. THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. And will it be? Maybe. The end of the year always makes me reflect on what I had planned on doing but didn't do, instead of what I did.

So what did I do?

•I completed 4 new collages.
•I was successful in entering a few new retail locations.
•I started this blog!
•I have a great new studio space...my biggest accomplishment yet.

I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones on the top of my head.

I wish everyone prosperity and success in the new year!!

03 December 2007

i'm at work....shhhh......

Okay, so I couldn't help it. I had to check my blog while having some downtime at work. It reminds me that there's more than just this job and keeps me positive that someday I won't have to sneak in my blog writing, I can do it whenever I want while working at home.

I can't help but to think about all the things I would love to be doing....I have orders to fill, deliveries to make, SO MUCH TO DO, but no....I'm sitting here waiting for my next appointment to show up. I've cleverly hidden myself in the back amongst the back stock.

30 November 2007

welcome to my attempt

After spending I'm not sure how many hours doing research and looking at I don't know how many blogs by other artists, I found that the art world is blogging without me. So I stepped out of MySpace and decided to take a shot at blogging to an audience that isn't comprised of 15 year olds taking photos of themselves in the mirror or with Photo Booth on their Mac. Besides, you want to hear about my art, you don't want to see the results to the 15,000 dumb quizzes I've taken, like what Egyptian God I am and what planet I'm from (Mars, thanks for asking). Okay, so I took those quizzes on my personal profile and not my business profile, but still....this is better.

Here I hope to post updates on what I'm working on and just my general feelings about my life as an artist and trying to make a living as such. I'll try not to do a great deal of whining...but I can't promise anything. From what I read, there are ranting blogs, inspirational blogs and just kind of whatever blogs so I think an occasional whiner won't make people run for cover (hopefully).

I'm doing this at an art fair, which 1) isn't conducive to good sales, I know, but 2) gives me something to do because the show in general hasn't been conducive to good sales and this way I'm not falling asleep. Besides, this is one of the only shows that has wi-fi, so it's not like I'm going to be doing this all the time. (I prefer to whine in the comfort of my own home) Plus I do put the computer down to help people and do look up to acknowledge those that wander in. I might be bored but I'm not rude.

So! Come along on the adventure of me and my blog! (Or is it my blog and I......)